
Recomendation No.7/2016/MNP
Entity addressed: Secretary of State of Justice
Date: 2016-12-22
Subject: Police force. Judiciary Police. Human Resources. Safety conditions. Facility conditions
Sequence: Acatada. Situação em acompanhamento
Recomendation No.2/2016/MNP
Entity addressed: Minister of Justice
Date: 2016-09-05
Subject: Educational centers. Young women of the feminine sort. Health care. Intensive supervision period. Post-hospitalization follow-up. Special career of social reinsertion technician
Sequence: Acatada
Recomendation No.3/2016/MNP
Entity addressed: General-Directorate of Reintegration and Prison Services
Date: 2016-09-05
Subject: Educational centers. Safety conditions. Accessibilities. Formation of the young persons. Adaptation of facilities. Feeding. Precautionary Isolation Rooms
Sequence: Acatada. Situação em acompanhamento
Recomendation No.4/2016/MNP
Entity addressed: Minister of Health
Date: 2016-09-05
Subject: Educational centres. Medical Assistance. Psychotherapeutic follow-up
Sequence: Parcialmente acatada. Situação em acompanhamento
Recomendation No.5/2016/MNP
Entity addressed: The President of the High Council of Magistracy
Date: 2016-09-05
Subject: Educational centers. Visits of the judicial magistrates
Sequence: Acatada
Recomendation No.6/2016/MNP
Entity addressed: Prosecutor General’s Office
Date: 2016-09-05
Subject: Educational centers. Visits of the judiciary magistrates
Sequence: Aguarda resposta
Recomendation No.1/2016/MNP
Entity addressed: General Directorate for Reintegration and Prison Services
Date: 2016-04-14
Subject: Prison establishment. Accommodation conditions. Basement of the Lisbon Prison Facility
Sequence: Parcialmente acatada. Situação em acompanhamento
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