The Ombudsman as National Human Rights Institution Accreditation as NHRI Monitoring of International Obligations Alternative Reports and Other Contributions Recommendations to the Portuguese State Studies and Reports Events Networks of Human Rights Institutions Studies and Questionnaires National International GANHRI ENNHRI International events1 2 3 4 5 Next Ombudsperson participates at the 57th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council 2024-09-11 Ombudsman’s Office takes part in meeting organised by the Council of Europe on economic and social rights 2024-07-01 Ombudsman’s Office takes part in meeting organised by the Council of Europe on economic and social rights 2024-07-01 Human rights. Entries open for the IX edition of the King of Spain Award 2023-05-18 Ombudsperson meets with Ukrainian Parliament Commissioner for Human Rights 2023-04-04 TAIEX. Ombudsman’s Office participates in assistance program for Ombudsman-type Balkan countries 2023-01-18 Ombudsman at the 27th Assembly of the FIO 2022-12-05 Ombudsman participates in the annual meeting of the Board of Directors of the IOI-International Ombudsman Institute 2022-05-13 Deputy Ombudsman participates in the annual conference of the European Network of Ombudsmen (ENO) 2022-04-27 Ombudsman in Angola to participate in the fifth meeting of the CPLP-Human Rights Network 2022-04-26 1 2 3 4 5 Next