Catarina Sampaio Ventura
Born in Coimbra in 1971. Graduated in Law from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (1995), where she completed the academic part of the Masters’ in Legal and Political Sciences (1998-1999) and the postgraduate degree in Medical Law (2003-2004). There she was also Trainee-Assistant, in the subjects of Constitutional Law and Political Science and Public and European International Law (1996-2001). She was Vice-Director of the Ius Gentium Conimbrigae/Centro de Direitos Humanos de Coimbra (2000-2001) and Consultant for the Human Rights in requisition in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, in the scope of the Portuguese Presidency of the European Union (1999-2000). In 1998 she was awarded the Prince Bernhard Scholarship (Utrecht University). Author of publications in the area of fundamental rights/human rights and on the institution of Ombudsman. Assistant to the Ombudsman’s Cabinet since 2002, she has then worked, since 2006, as an Adviser. She has been Coordinator of the Rights, Freedoms and Guarantees Unit since April, 2023.