National Preventive Mechanism presents special report regarding the temporary detention centers (or equivalent facilities) of foreign nationals in an irregular situation in our country or asylum seekers

The National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) presents a special report about the reality encountered during the visits conducted in the second semester of 2016 to the temporary detention centers (or equivalent facilities) of foreign nationals in an irregular situation in our country or asylum seekers, complemented by other data that meanwhile was made available. Thus, after brief overall considerations regarding the foreign nationals placed in temporary detention centers at the time of the visits, this report describes the living conditions of those who were, temporarily, deprived or limited of their liberty.
Among several aspects, the NPM analyzed the compliance with the maximum length of stay in temporary detention centers or equivalent facilities and the treatment they provide to foreign citizens such as health care, the quantity and quality of food served, the resources available for leisure time, contact with the outside world and respect for religious belief and worship.Following these visits the NPM addressed recommendations to the Minister of Internal Affairs (Recommendation no. 17/2017/NPM) and to the Director of Immigration and Borders Service (Recommendation no. 18/2017/NPM). 
The Portuguese version of the report can be consulted here

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