Azores. Ombusdman Office organises Human Rights Conference on the occasion of the presentation of a study on “Access to the Regional Health System”

The public presentation of the study on “Access to the Regional Health System – Autonomous Region of the Azores” [in Portuguese only], conducted by Professor Piedade Lalanda, will take place on 15 October, at 10.30am, in the Aula Magna of the University of the Azores. Promoted by the Ombudsman Office, under the scope of the DEMOS Project, the presentation of…

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Ombudsman publishes the”Pandemic Notebooks”

The Ombudsman’s Office is publishing a small collection entitled “Pandemic Notebooks”, three studies on the extraordinary times we live in. The first focuses on the general topic of education and collects information that was obtained during the first phase of suspension of classroom classes that took place in 2020. The second focuses on homelessness and covers roughly the same period…

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Ombudsman joins conference cycle on Business, Human Rights and the Environment

  With the support of the Portuguese Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the New Centre on Business, Human Rights and the Environment (NOVA BHRE) is organising, in partnership with the Portuguese Ombudsman, the British Institute of International and Comparative Law, the Teaching Business and Human Rights Forum and NOVA 4 The Globe, a series of online conferences…

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Ombudsman talks about “Life in society and the ethical requirement” at the opening session of the 33rd Social Pastoral Meeting

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, spoke at the opening session of the 33rd Social Pastoral Meeting, which will take place in Fatima from October 22 to 24, under the motto “Bringing the peripheries to the center”. To access the program of the Meeting, inaugurated by the president of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference, D. Manuel Clemente, click here. To read the…

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June 4 – Ombudsman talks about “Ethics and Rights” at the IV Santa Casa Conference on “Longevity and Neurodegenerative Diseases”

The Ombudsman participated in the IV Conference organized by the Santa Casa da Misericórdia on "Longevity and Neurodegenerative Diseases" and the importance of the humanization of the medical act, that took place in Lisbon on June 4. Maria Lúcia Amaral intervened in the panel that addressed "Ethics and Rights" from the perspective of people who are especially vulnerable and /…

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Ombudsman receives the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights

The Ombudsman, Maria Lúcia Amaral, received this afternoon Michelle Bachelet, the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The meeting addressed the concerns and recommendations that the Ombudsman, as National Human Rights Institution, has recently presented in the scope of the Universal Periodic Review. As part of this process, which this year focuses on Portugal, the 193 UN member countries…

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